Purdue BDSA arranged the Fall picnic and freshers' reception program on September 11, 2021 at Ross Hill park. The community members really enjoyed this get-together greatly as it was the first BDSA event post covid restrictions.
The event had multiple segments engaging members of all age. The voleyball match for the men was exciting, whereas the women had a great time with pillow passing-
Then our advisor Prof. Alam delivered his note encouraging the newcomers and providing valuable suggestions-
The freshers were greeted whole-heartedly, we hope they will enrich our community in the coming days.
Last but not the least, food! Well, we all love food, don't we! This time food was served from Hala's Grill! It was delicious and all loved it. Overall, it was refreshing for all to have a community program after quite a while. The committee thanks all for their cooperation, and stay tuned for the next program!