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We have been planning for publishing the volume 2 of BDSA Annual Magazine for this year by early May. You are cordially invited to send submissions by the deadline following the guidelines set below.
Interested participants are encouraged to submit their articles, stories, essays, poems, jokes, recipes, cartoons, pictures etc. on any topic of your choice. However, your write-ups should be original.

Also, we plan to publish a printed version of the magazine, and due to page limit, articles related to your personal experiences regarding the Bangladeshi Community in Purdue, Purdue University and Life in West Lafayette/Purdue will be given priority in the printed magazine. Our Guidelines:
  • All BDSA members including alumni and (Bangladeshi non-student community) are eligible send writing in the BDSA magazine.
  • We request you to refrain from any type of political, religious and offensive/degrading writing to any individual/group in any way. Articles that violates the law, that falsely defames a specific individual, that constitutes a genuine threat or harassment, that unjustifiably invades substantial privacy or confidentiality interests, or that is otherwise directly incompatible with the functioning of the University will not be published.
  • Suggested submission length no more than 800 words in Bengali or English.
  • Submitter’s identity is often important to the story. Please make sure you include your name and affiliation with your writing; a picture of yourself. If you would like to team up with someone to do a piece, please feel free to do so.
  • In choosing/editing content, the decision of editorial committee will be final.
Send your content to and CC’d in Word document format. Please make sure you write ‘bdsa magazine’ in the subject line and clearly state your name and contact information in the body of the email.
(if the file is too big, contact us and we will try to make other arrangements for you).
Our editors will get back to you with their feedback (if any) and help you prepare if you need help.
  • Writings will be accepted from January, 17th through March 31st.
  • Editorial reviews will continue as you submit your piece and we hope to have all materials ready (and edited) by April 30th.
  • BDSA Magazine will be published in e-book and paper formats by May 15th.
This yearly magazine will also contain the BDSA current year’s financial report, news reports from our members, good-to-know points and many more. We request you to send in information regarding anything that you find interesting/relevant or you might want to share with the rest of BDSA.
Evaluation Rubric for Printed Magazine:
We will print the magazine based on fund availability and use the following evaluation rubric to prioritize the articles that would go to the printed version of the magazine. Our goal would be to publish as many articles as possible with the constraints of budget.
  • Is the write-up related to Purdue University / Bangladeshi Community at Purdue? 30 points (no point awarded if the article is not related)
  • Length of article: 20 points (no points awarded if the article is above 800 words excluding title and author affiliation)
  • Reviewer points: 30 points (scored subjectively based on how easy to read the article is and how enjoyable is it to read the article.) Artwork/write up for people under age of 6 would get full 30 points in this category,to encourage young people participation.
    • Text articles:
      • Title: 10 points (catchy and attractive titles would get more points)
      • Grammar and punctuation accuracy: 10 points
      • Fluidity of language: 10 points
    • Graphics/Cartoon/Images:
      • Will be done blind peer review and obtain reviewer points
  • Special Purpose Articles?: (only awarded to article on Financial report, President and Advisor’s writeup, editorial) 20 points

Example topics to get you started:
  • How is your life at Purdue
  • Any interesting experience in Purdue
  • Any experience of culture shock
  • Comparison between Bangladesh and Purdue life
  • Your volunteering/working experience in Purdue
  • Your very own cartoon/comic strip (related to Purdue or Purdue Bangladeshi people highly encouraged)
  • Any memorable story from your past related to Purdue
  • How do you enjoy snow and summer?
  • Driving experience
  • Traveling with expired passport?
  • Poems/stories/jokes (originals)
  • Recipes
  • Getting started tips
  • And many more

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